Thursday, April 06, 2006

Is there light at the end of the tunnel for Georgia and Moldova?

I read in the New York Times today a very interesting article regarding wine in Georgia and Moldova. Apparently last week Russia banned wines from Georgia and Moldova to be sold in Grocery Stores. This “Wine Blockade” does not make Russia look good in the face of the World Trade Organization which they are trying to join. Putting up a trade block on the main export from two of your old satellite countries may not be the best way to get into the WTO. Georgia and Especially Moldova have a fairly large wine industry supported mainly by domestic consumption as well as export to Russia. This wine blockade is leaving some producers baffled and looking for a reason. But what if some good can come out of all of this? What if their surplus (wine that would have been sent to Russia) is exported to the U.S. or other world markets? With surplus comes cheaper prices which may be the tool that these two countries need to break into the bigger markets. I for one would like to see any wines from Eastern European Countries, they are a hard find right now. This may change things, time will tell.


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Man, this is interesting. Even if it came out of the The Liberal New York Crimes :) Just kidding - I read it too.

Anyway Just glad to see you up typing again.

At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where have you been?


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